The mulberry plant is basically cultivated for silkworm food. During its development, mulberry has many
commercial benefits, especially as a medicine. Based on these benefits, mulberry farmers in Pakkatto Village
have made commercial innovations. It is in that context that this article aims to reveal these innovations.
This research was conducted in Pakkatto Village, Gowa Regency as the center of mulberry plant
development in South Sulawesi. This research is descriptive qualitative. There were 10 informants
purposively from the mulberry farming community. Data collection was carried out through interviews,
observation, and literature study. The data analysis technique used a three-way technique. From the results
of this study, the following points were obtained: the innovations of the farmers were (1) making mulberry
tea (teabags and brewed tea). (2) make mulberry juice. (3) making a traditional scrub powder from
mulberry roots and leaves. They market the results of this innovation through stalls in the region. The
conclusion of this study is that the innovation carried out by mulberry farmers is based on the commodity
potential possessed by the mulberry plant itself.