This study is quantitative research methodology using quasi experiment.
Quasi experiment is a research method in which a treatment or stimulus given to
one or two class/group. There is an experimental group that getting a treatment
using flipped classroom method and a control group using lecturing method by
explanation and practicing on writing learning process. The result of the method
used seen through writing test in pre- and posttest and questionnaire.
This research shows that flipped classroom blended learning method is
less effective to improve students‟ argumentative writing in class XI MIA 4, SMA
Negeri 2 Namlea based on the criteria of N-gain score 40,67% although the
posttest score is higher than pretest. The result of independent sample t-test is
there are the significant different of the experiment group and control group by the
significant value 0,000 < 0,05. Furthermore, blended learning has affect students‟
interest on argumentative writing by the result of t-test shows that the significant
value is 0,042 < 0,05. Many factors affect students‟ writing performance such as,
media used, the duration of study, students‟ study habits, environment,
characteristic, motivation and interest. However, students shows good
appreciation on online and classroom activities.