dc.description.abstract |
The objective of this research was to find out is there any enhancement of
students’ writing skills in description text using Tumblr at the 8th grade students of
SMPN 4 Mengkendek, in academic year 2020/2021.
This research used pre-experimental design with pre-test, data and posttest. The population of this research were the eight grade students of SMPN 4
Mengkendek consisting of 86 students. The writer took one class as the sample,
namely class VIII-A. The data were obtained from writing test. The result of the
research showed that Tumblr application were able to enhance students’ writing
skill at the 8th grade students of SMPN 4 Mengkendek.
The writer used inferential analysis of t-test by SPSS V.22, the writer
concludes that Tumblr application were able to enhance students’ writing skill.
The result of the research shows that used Tumblr application can improved
significantly in the students writing skill after the treatment. The study showed
that there was a significant improvment in the students’ mean score writing skill
by Tumblr Application. The mean score of the students’ writing skill are 59,67 in
pre-test to 78,67 in post-test. Therefore, the objective of this study was accepted.
It means that the tumblr application can enhance the students’ writing skill in the
English teaching at SMPN 4 Mengkendek. |
en_US |