The objective of this research is to discover whether using The Jakarta
Post newspaper could improve the academic vocabulary members of UEF
Makassar or not. This research was conducted at English meeting club named
United English Forum (UEF) Makassar. Its members are students of different
universities in Makassar such as Muhammadiyah University, State University of
Makassar, Hasanuddin University and State Islamic University of Alauddin.
The study of population was 100 members of UEF Makassar. However
accessible samples were 40 students. Samples were determined using random
sampling technique. The researcher used quasi experiment design where 20
members were in the control class and 20 were in the experimental class.
Members of UEF Makassar in control class did not give treatment.
Different from experimental class that was treated up to three meetings and was
given extra article was studied at home. This study used a test as the instrument.
The tests consist of 20 number questions from rearrange word to translate
The result shows that using English newspaper The Jakarta Post can
improve academic vocabulary members of UEF Makassar. The improvement can
be seen from the average test scores of students before and after giving the
treatment. The improvement was quite significant. However, the average test
score without treatment 47,75 increased to 81.00.
It was proved by the result of the statistical analysis of the level
significance p= 5% dan p= 1% with degree of freedom (df) = 38 indicated thet the
t-test value of the students’ academic vocabulary (3,246) was higher than t-table
value (2,02 and 2,71) or 2,02 < 3,246 > 2,71.
Finally, this research can be continued in a large number of samples with
longer research period.