dc.description.abstract |
The research aimed to find out whether the use of outline techniques can
increase students’ writing skill in writing paragraph descriptive text of second
grade at SMPN 35 Makassar.
Design of the research was pre experimental method with three steps such as
pre-test, treatment and post-test one class. This research was conducted at SMPN
35 Makassar by deciding second grade as population and choosing class VIII.3
which amount 25 students as a sample. Technique of collecting data was done by
giving test. In analyzing the numerical data the writer used SPSS.16
Based on the data analysis, the writer can concluded that use outline technique
can increasing students writing skill. It can be proved by the mean score of the
students in pre-test and post-test. The results of the research showed that the use
of outline technique in writing paragraph significantly increased students writing
skill in writing paragraph descriptive after did treatment. The mean score
increased from 47,52 in pre-test to 69,80 inpost-test. The writer can conclude that
the use of the outline technique can increase students’ writing skill of Second
Grade of SMPN 35 Makassar. |
en_US |