dc.description.abstract |
The objective of this research was to find out the using of serial image
media can improve students’ ability writing in English narrative text. The
researcher used the pre-experimental one group pre-test, post-test research. The
total population of class VIII was 395 students amounting eleven classes, The
research sample was class VIII.5 which consist 35 student participants.
The research was conducted by giving treatment and succeeded in
improving students’ ability writing narrative text in several element consisting of
content, organization, vocabulary, grammar and mechanic. The treatment was
carried out using serial image media as a medium in learning writing. After
conducted the research, the researcher analyzed the data using IBM SPSS
statistics 24. There was a significant increase in the using serial image media in
writing narrative text at class VIII.5.
The result of the mean writing score on the pre-test was 59.40, after the
researcher gave treatment using serial image media, it turned out that the score of
students’ writing in the post-test increased to 78.66. Therefore, the using of serial
image media can improve students at class VIII.5 of SMPN 8 Makassar in ability
writing narrative text. |
en_US |