dc.description.abstract |
This research aimed to find out whether the use of Collaborative
writing method can improve students' writing skills. In this study it is
expected to be useful for teachers and students in teaching and learning
The writer used pre-experimental design which involved one class as
the subject of the research. The population was VIII grade students at
SMPN 8 Makassar in 2016/2017 academic years. Sample in this research
was class VIII/ II which consists of 27 students. The writer took all of them
as the subject of the study. The technique used for collecting data is pretest and post-test. First the writer gave a pre-test. It was conducted at the
beginning of the research. Second, the writer conducted the treatment and
the last continued by gave the post-test.
The results of the study was that the students’ progress during
teaching and learning activity, students are able to improve the way of
writing by using the method of collaboration writing text description was
good. The students in writing using the method of writing collaboration
increases It was supported by the results of the value of t which is
significant 23.44 higher than the t-table 2,056. Therefore teachers are
suggested to be able to provide interesting topics in improving students'
skills in collaborative writing. based on the results obtained, the teacher
can apply the method of collaborative writing to improve the skills of
students in writing text descriptive |
en_US |