The objective of the research was to know the use of song quizzes through
ESOL Course website to improve students‟ listening skill in a creatively learning
methods. This research used experimental method. This research conducted in
three steps namely as pre-test, treatment and post-test. The population of this
research was Class XI at the First Semester of SMAN 18 Makassar in 2022/2023
academic year and sample of this research is Class XI IPA 1 with number of
students are 35 students. Data collected by using pre-test, treatment and post-test.
After conducted this research, the researcher concludes that using song quizzes
through ESOL Course website improve students‟ listening skill. It is proved by
the mean score of the students in pre-test, treatment and post-test. The mean score
of the pre-test was 67.40, and the post-test students‟ score was 82.37. it shows that
there is a different between students mean score in pre-test and post-test. Based on
the analysis, it can be concluded that using song quizzes through ESOL Course
website greatly influences to improve students‟ listening skill at eleventh grade of
SMAN 18 Makassar.