This study aims to determine the differences and similarities in negative
politeness between Fak Fak language and English.
This research is a qualitative descriptive study with a sample of native
speakers of Fak Fak language in the city of Makassar. The Analyze used in
describing the two languages was contrastive Analysis by Krisdalaksana and used
the negative politeness theory proposed by Brown Levinson to analyze negative
politeness strategies and to find the data or sentence strategies commonly used by
both languages.
The results of this study indicated that there are similarities and differences in
using the spoken strategy between the two languages. From the 10 existing
strategies, the researcher found 5 strategies which were used as the focus of this
study. Five strategies are: (1) Be Conventional Indirect, (2) Question Hedge, (3)
Minimize the Imposition, (4) Give Difference, (5) Apologize.