This research to find out whether or not there is a significant effect of
using story pyramid strategy on the students ability in writing narrative text at
the second grade of SMPN 8 Makassar.
This research used quantitative method an quasi-experimental
research design. This research used instrument which given in pre-test,
treatment, and post-test. The sample of this research were students of class
VIII-5 (experimental class) which consisted of 30 students, and VIII-7 (control
class) which consisted of 30 students, in SMPN 8 Makassar.
The result of the research showed that story pyramid strategy could
improve and gave the affect for the students’ ability in writing narrative text,
which proven by the result of the tests that showed increase in mean scores
achieved by experimental class students in post-test (10,57) compared to
their mean score of pre-test (7,2). So, it can conclude that story pyramid is
effective to improve students’ writing narrative text of class VIII-5 at SMPN 8