This study is aimed to know the extent and students‟ response toward the
implementation of Two Stay Two Stray technique in improving students‟ reading
comprehension at the ninth grade of SMPN 1 Tana Lili.
This research focused applied classroom action research. The population
of this research were the ninth grade students of SMPN 1 Tana Lili in academic
year 2020/2021which consisting of 160 students. This research was used to take
one class as the sample of the research which consist of 32 students. The
instrument of this research was multiple choice test. There are two cycle in this
The result shows that students means score in cycle 1 was 59,68 and in the
cycle II was 75,31. From the data it indicate that using of Two Stay Two Stray
(TSTS) technique was effective and from the data above it could be concluded
that the students‟ reading comprehension have been improved by using Two Stay
Two Stray (TSTS) technique. It‟s related to the result of observation sheet showed
that the students were more interested and motivated in joining the class and they
were enthusiastic during teaching learning process.