dc.description.abstract |
The background of this study is the fact that the students’ opinion about
learning English is bored and hard for learn.
The objectives of the research was to know the use of Duolingo
application to enhance students’ achievement of grammar in English.
The researcher was applied pre experimental in one class pre-test and posttest. This research conducted at SMPN 8 Makassar sub-district of Manggala,
Makassar city. In this research the population was the eight students of SMPN 8
Makassar in 2018/2019 academic year. The researcher used total sampling
technique. The total number of sample was 33 students from class VIII-9. In
analysing the numerical data, the writer used SPSS from windows.
After conducted the research, the researcher concludes that the used of
Duolingo application in teaching grammar of English enhance the students’
achievement; it is proved by the mean score of the students’ in pre-testand posttest. The mean score of pre-test (before treatment) was 46,79 and in post-test
(after treatment) the students’ gained score 64,36. The T-test of the students’
achievement in pre-test and post-test was smaller than α. The writer found that the
p-value (probability value) was lower than α(0.00< 0.05) and the degree of
freedom was 32. The t-test value of pre-test and post-test was remarked
significantly different. It indicated that the alternative hypothesis (HA) was
accepted and, of course, the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. |
en_US |