The topic of this research is teaching writing narrative text to the
eighth grade students of SMPN 17 Makassar by using video clip as
teaching media. The objective of the research is to find out the effect of
students writing achievement after being taught writing narrative text using
video clip as media.
This research used experimental research. Subject of this research
is the class VIII 11 students of SMPN 17 Makassar in academic year
2017/2018 it consist of 30 students. The first step of experiment was
giving a pre-test to the students. The students were asked to write a
narrative text about Cinderella. After giving the pre-test, the treatment was
given to the students. Video clip was shown from Sonna Rele entitled
Strong (Cinderella). After giving treatment, the last was given post-test to
the students.
The results of the research showed there is an effect of students
writing skill by using video clip as media. It can be seen from the data that
has been collected where the total mean core in pre-test (56.63) and posttest (72.03). It can be concluded that video clip is one of the learning
media that effect the students writing.