This study aimed to know the forms and purposed of code mixing
used in the Marmut Merah Jambu Novel for the reader of IndonesianEnglish code mixing in the novel entitled Marmut Merah Jambu by Raditya
This study took the design of descriptive qualitative method to
collect data. The writer collected data by finding the forms of IndonesianEnglish code mixing used in Marmut Merah Jambu Novel, selecting
sentence that consist of Indonesian-English code mixing.
The result of the study the writer classified the data of code mixing
found on Marmut Merah Jambu Novel. The analysis shows that there are
some forms that used, such as: word, phrase, hybrids, clause and idiom.
And the percentage of the forms of code mixing used on Marmut Merah
Jambu Novel by participants are the form of noun 36.78%, verb 3.44%,
adjective 7.47%, adverb 4.59%, phrase 20.11%, hybrids 7.47%, clause
3.44% and idiom 4.02%.