The purpose of this research was to know the application of the
scaffolding talk technique in students’ speaking ability. The results of this
research are expected to be useful for students to improve students’
speaking ability and help teachers to be more creative.
This research used pre-experimental method. Population of this
research was all students of students XI and the sample is class XI IPA 4
which consists of 28 students. The data collected through speaking test
(pre-test, treatment and post-test). After conducting pre-test, the writer
conducted treatment and the last gave post-test.
The result of the research showed that there was a significant
difference which gained by the students in pre-test and post-test. The
value of T-test was 14,23 while t-table was 2.050 this values that T-test
higher than t-table 14,23 (14.23>2.050). From this result it can be
concluded that the scaffolding talk technique was effective to increase
students’ speaking ability at Class XI of SMAN 7 Makassar in 2017/2018
academic year.