The purpose of this research is to analyse the using of code mixing on
social media at the Eleventh Grade of Sekolah Advent Makassar. This research
applied descriptive qualitative method. The subject of this research was the
eleventh grade Sekolah Advent Makassar while the object of this research was
code mixing on social media. The researcher used purposive sampling technique
to take the sample. There were 5 students as sample from 26 students. The data
was taken by the screenshot observation and interview with the students to know
the students reasons using code mixing in writing status on social media. In this
study, the researcher used structure interviews. When the researcher did the
interview, the researcher asked one by one of the students to know about their
reasons why they used code mixing in their status on social media. In this
research, the researcher took five students.
The result of the research showed that the type of insertion was dominant
in the students‟ writing daily status. There are two reasons of using code mixing
by students in writing status on social media: vocabulary and social community.
The researcher found that the highest reason of using code mixings‟ by the
students is that they have less English vocabulary.