In the 4.0 era, English has become essential because many technologies
have English settings, such as medical equipment for doctors or sales clerks who
interact with foreigners in malls. Due to the numerous cultures that continue to enter
Indonesia, regular but also special school systems must learn more about English
by enhancing their English vocabulary, especially for students special needs, and
sign language is used as a teaching method in outstanding school.
This research aims to know gesture for learning vocabulary for students
special needs (deaf), especially eleventh-grade students at SLB-B YPPLB
Makassar. The research design was qualitative research. The researcher analyzed
the responses from observations, researched objected questionnaire sheets, and
interview sessions.
Based on the data, it was clear that the first, SIBI was employed in learning
vocabulary for students at the Makassar YPPLB SLB-B school because it was
simpler and more structured. Second, It could be concluded that the teacher's
influence was indeed important for students, but student interaction was actually
very influential on the mood and enthusiasm of students when learned in class, and
the third learned used video was not effective for them to learn because its difficult
for students to understand.