This research aimed to determine the reading interest of class Vlll-C
students of SMP Kartika XX-2 Makassar in reading using Twitter.
This research focused on the pre-experimental one group pre-test and posttest. The research subjects were students of the second-grade C SMP Kartika XX2 Makassar in the 2023/2024 academic year with total sample is 18 students. The
data were obtained from reading tests in the form of multiple choices and results
from questionnaires.
Based on the results of data analysis, the research data collected through the
test showsthat after the research is done, students are more interested in reading use
twitter. it can be seen that the average student result during the pre-test (before the
action) was 33.55, then after receiving treatment, the student's post-test score
increased to 70.38. There was an increase of 36.83. The results of the student
questionnaire strongly agree that the use of Twitter media can increase interest in
reading. So it can be concluded that using Twitter media can increase students'
interest in reading at SMP Kartika XX-2 Makassar.