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Browsing DOSEN DAN PENELITI by Author "Usman, Ahmad"

Browsing DOSEN DAN PENELITI by Author "Usman, Ahmad"

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  • Masdar, Muhammad; Harifuddin; Iskandar, Abdul Malik; Azuz, Faidah; Usman, Ahmad (The Indonesian Journal of the Social Sciences, 2024)
    This study aims to (1) analyze the meaning of symbolic interactionism in multiethnic community members in the Wonomulyo District and (2) describe the sociometric form of symbolic interactionism in multiethnic communities ...
  • Halim, Harifuddin; Usman, Ahmad; Asmirah; Masdar, Muhammad (Palakka: Media and Islamic Coummunication, 2021-06)
    This study aims to reveal the forms of sacrifice as a model of preaching carried out by members of the Tabligh group. They do this as a manifestation of their belief in the Islamic religion that they profess. This study ...

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