The online civil society movement in the form of the Milk Tea Alliance
plays a significant role in spreading the issue of the coup in Myanmar as well as
encouraging the struggle for democracy in Myanmar in the international arena.
In this case, the Milk Tea Alliance as a network of young activist movements, has
taken several steps related to the situation in Myanmar. Researchers tried to
analyze the Milk Tea Alliance's transnationalization strategy in the anti-military
junta campaign in Myanmar. Support is shown by the #MilkTeaAlliance call to
condemn the government on Twitter and is mostly used by the younger
generation. The Milk Tea Alliance shows a sense of solidarity across countries by
utilizing social media as a medium of connection. The Milk Tea Alliance is a
testament to how young people can easily find ways to make their voices and
demands heard. It is also a testament to the young generation's ability to think
freely and have a high awareness of world politics.