Coastal fishermen communities hold religious rituals as Sufism practices. One
of which is Tarekat Khalwatiyah-Samman, which affects their daily work. This
paper aims to identify the substance of the Khalwatiyah-Samman teachings. It
deciphers the effect of this teaching on the work of fishermen on the south coast
of South Sulawesi. This research is qualitative with social and empirical
approaches. Data collection was done through in-depth interviews, observation,
and literature study. It employed qualitative data processing and analysis. The
results showed that the substance of the Khalwatiyah-Samman teachings lies in its three doctrines: the purification of the soul, the concept of the essence of
God, and the concept of human essence. In addition, the influence of
Khalwatiyah-Samman's teaching on the work of fishermen on the south coast
of South Sulawesi is the emergence of attitudes in work such as complacency;
God has determined everything, and they do not have a competitive spirit and
spirit of achievement. Accordingly, the substance of the Khalwatiyah-Samman
teaching is that God has determined all human actions, and humans only live
it. Moreover, the effect of the Khalwatiyah-Samman teaching is to form an
attitude of fatalism in fishermen or resignation.