The development of Kupang City can be observed from the increase of activity or movement of society,
so that city needs the existence of a system of transportation service and satisfied traffic. One of the
facilities of urban transportation is a station that serves as a node point, can be considered as a tool to
process loading and discharge passengers. Station has the complexity of the problem and affects the
movement of public transport. The lack of public transportation operating at Oebobo Station is one of the
phenomena in Kupang City. This research was conducted to examine the performance of the station to
the movement pattern by reviewed at the location effectiveness, operational service, and transportation
movement towards the pattern of public transportation movement in Kupang City. The purpose of
research to see the effect of station performance on the pattern of movement and the influence of spatial
structure on movement patterns by using quantitative approach. The data obtained through observation,
survey and documentation are analyzed by using path analysis, and then tested simultaneously and
partially. The results show that the performance of the station in supporting the movement of Kupang
City is a sufficient. Location effectiveness, service operation, and transportation movement have
significant effect simultaneously to movement pattern in Kupang City. Partially shows that the
movement of transportation (destination, transportation route, and passenger safety) and the insufficiency
of public transportation operating at Oebobo Station have an impact on the reduction of station
performance grade