The purpose of this research is to know the application of SQRA
(Survey, Questioning, Read and Answer) Strategy can give the effect on
students’ reading comprehension to understand the text.
This study used experiment research. Subject of this research is the
class VIII.10 students of SMP Negeri 25 Makassar in academic year
2017/2018 it consist of 32 students.
The results of the research and discussion that obtained by the
writer in SMPN 25 Makassar that there is an effect of students reading
comprehension by SQRA (Survey, Questioning, Read and Answer)
Strategy. It can be seen from the data that has been collected where total
mean score in pre - test (68.125) and post – test (79.843). It can be
concluded that SQRA (Survey, Questioning, Read and Answer ) Strategy
is one of effective strategy to give effect to students’ in improve reading
comprehension at SMP Negeri 25 Makassar.