This study aims to find out the implementation of Akad Mudharabah and to find out what
factor’s influence Mudharabah in Sharia Banks in Makassar City. This research was conducted
in BPRS Dana Moneter, BNI Syariah and BTN Syariah using empirical law research type, the
approach is carried out by studying the actual law through interviews and fact-based
documentation. The results showed that the implementation of the Mudharabah agreement at
Sharia Banks in Makassar City showed that the implementation of the Mudharabah agreement
in the Monetary Fund BPRS, BNI Syariah and BTN Syariah is still completely un implemented
due to the many opinions of the Customer such as the absence of an agreement at the beginning
by both parties, the determination of the Ratio determined by the Bank itself and other matters.
As well as the factors that influence the implementation of Mudharabah, namely NPF (bank
health), FDR (Financing ratio), inflation (price increase) and BOPO (Oprasional Burden on
Oprasional Income) all of these factors are in keeping with the bank's performance in
implementing the Mudharabah agreement. therefore, each agency is expected to increase
product recognition activities and maintain its bank operations