dc.description.abstract |
Thesis. The Influence Of Interest Rate Level On Working
Capital Credit (Empirical Study at Berkat Cooperative) in South Sulawesi which
was supervised by Drs. Palipada Palisuri, S.E., M.Si. and Dr. Seri Suriani, S.E.,
The Effect of Interest Rates on Demand for Working Capital Credit at
Pannampu Branch Cooperative. This study aims to determine the effect of credit
interest rates on demand for working capital credit at the Pannampu branch of
the Blessing Cooperative. The research variable is the interest rate for credit and
working capital credit. The population in this study is data on financial reports,
especially reports on credit interest rates and notes on working capital credit
reports for Koperasi Berkat Cabang Pannampu, the sample is financial report
data, especially reports on credit interest rates and notes on working capital
credit reports for the period 2017-2019. Data collection techniques used
documentation and interview techniques. |
en_US |