Women have always been an important part of the household economy. In earning a living, women
(housewives) can do anything to increase their family income. He can even go anywhere, make long trips and
return to his home. In fact, she can also leave her child and husband for a certain period of time to work. In this
context, this article reveals the mobility of women (housewives) who go far from their homes to earn money or
work and return (mobility), while their husbands stay at home. This article examines women traders at the Port
of Parepare who perform circular mobility between regions. The results of this study found (1) women (read
wives) leave the house from outside Parepare to the Port of Parepare to improve the family economy. (2) The
presence of these traders at the port is the result of an agreement with their husbands. (3) the circular mobility
of women shows their dominance in the economy compared to men. This is due to the existence of a balanced
division of labor between women and men. The conclusion of this study is the circular mobility of women traders
is part of the form of gender justice at the Port of Parepare