Skripsi audit management functions of sales at PT Toarco jaya (guided by
Dr.Mukhtar Sapiri, SE., MM., M., Kes as a supervisor I and Dr.HAArifuddin Mane, SE., M.Si.,
SH., MH as Advisor II). This study aimed (1) to determine the level of effectiveness and
efficiency function of sales at PT. Toarco Jaya and benefits of this study (1) as a means to
develop the insight and knowledge of the author of the issues, (2) as an input for the management
and staff of PT Toarco victorious in planning, policy and strategy in managing companies (3) to
the other party this concern may be useful. Data analysis techniques used in this study is a
qualitative description analysis techniques using multiple stages of audits of management
consisting of a preliminary audit, review The research data was obtained by conducting
interviews with parties related to the issues that will be examined to sales department personnel
at PT.Toarco Jaya. Based on the results of research carried out showed that export sales activity
conducted by the company has been running effectively and efficiently