this study aims to: (1) Analyze and explain the stages of the implementation of the policy of regional
expansion, and (2) analyze and explain the factors that support the implementation of the policy of
regional expansion, in order to support national integration in North Mam uju Regency of W est Sulawesi
This research is a kind of exploratory research using qualitative analysis approach. Data collection
carried through; observation, interviews, and documents. Inform ant research include; Assistant I, II, III,
Assistant to the Preparatory Committee the e stablishment of district (PPPK), head of the Central Bureau
of statistics, the head of the Agency for the unity of the nation, the head of the Office library, Archives,
and docum ents, the head of the Department of organization and Personnel, the head of th e General
section of the Secretariat of the Parliament, m embers of Religious Communication Forum (FKUB), the
leadership of Dharm a W anita, professors, students, and community leaders. W hile the data analysis
done in a descriptive qualitative. Technique of d ata analysis is interactive analysis: Data collection, (2)
Data reduction, (3) Data Display, and (4) the Conclusion/verification. This is intended to give description
in a system atic, factual and actual against objects that are examined. Research results s how that; (1)
the policy im plementation stages of the extraction region North Mamuju Regency has been implemented
in accordance with the legislation governing the extraction of such areas; the establishment of local
governance devices, preparation of the v ision and mission, the preparation of regional development
strategies, and preparation of the regional developm ent programs, and the factors that support the
im plem entation of regional expansion policy is the existence of natural resources, capital investm ent
(investment), infrastructure, transport and communications, openness toward outsiders, and support
public (community)