The development of rural areas has an important role in supporting national development. Development is directed at the utilization of available resources. Village Komba BUMDes is one part of the process of utilizing existing resources. This study aims to: (1) Know the management implementation system for BUMDes in Komba Village, Luwu Regency; and (2) Know how to improve BUMDes business development in Komba Village, Luwu Regency. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach, the subject of this research was the BUMDes of Komba Village, and the key informants were the BUMDes director,
village head, BUMDes staff, head of PMD Luwu, and Head of PMD Luwu. The results of the study show that: (1) The management of BUMDes in Komba Village is carried out based on the regulations that govern it, such as the process of forming institutions and the availability of facilities and infrastructure. (2) How to develop the Komba Village BUMDes business is carried out through financial intervention from the Komba Village government. Empowering the community to participate in BUMDes development, fostering the community and BUMDes officers. The establishment of the BUMDes institution was also carried out well because itdi not involve village officials. BUMDes facilities and infrastructure are still very limited. Meanwhile, regarding business development, BUMDes is still not productive, such as cooperation with parties, minimal training, and assistance.