The concept of social capital is widely associated with
development, and the term 'development' is always
synonymous with changing from an old situation to a
new situation with the representation of new values and
abandoning old values. This condition is reflected in
almost all development that takes place in all corners of
the village in Indonesia. The result of such development
is physical material progress, but non-material
regression such as local socio-cultural values. In this
context, this paper is intended to illustrate the urgency
of local social capital in rural community development.
The social setting of this paper is Tapong Village in
Maiwa District, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi
Province. Tapong village has great socio-cultural
potential and social capital that needs to be preserved
through development programs, especially culture, so
that it can become a local asset. This potential is in the
form of the Appa Alliri Customary Institution, and
various rituals. Both of these assets are local wisdom as
well as socio-cultural assets that live on to this day