Teacher creativity determines the success of teaching Indonesian through innovative
activities, especially in the multi-media era, which has become part of teaching for all
subject areas. For this reason, we have conducted a literature search on several data
found by experts in teaching Indonesian language education, both sourced from
national and international journal publications and other sources that support
Indonesian language teaching programs through creativity and innovation by involving
multi-media. So that we can use the data in answering the questions and objectives of
this study, we first examined the data by involving a phenomenology-based approach,
an approach that seeks to explore as much data as possible to obtain comprehensive,
high-quality answers to the study problem. Based on the exposure and discussion of our
findings after understanding that teachers' creativity in teaching Indonesian will
determine learning outcomes combined with innovative learning methods and strategies
in line with the demands of the current multi-media era. Thus, the results of this study
will become an essential input in supporting the study and development of teaching
Indonesian as the national language in Indonesia in the technological era